Are you leaving your pet out of the “new year, new me” hype? Give your companion the luxuries of modern innovations and spoil them with comfort! After all, they are ever so present in our times of need and times of joy! So it’s only right to say that our pets deserve the best! Include items that are practical, easy-to-use and exciting.

2019 calls for a revamping of pet products you own. Read through and find out what we think is the best of the best for your best friend!

Microfiber towels

Dogs are curious beings. This means they are ever so ready to jump in a puddle or lake and make themselves wet. They also tend to run around as soon as they are bathed and sometimes even plunge onto your couch! If you are a dog owner this should be all too familiar. That is why owning a microfiber towel is absolutely essential!

Being eight times finer than cotton, microfiber is known for its absorbing power. Hence, its ability to dry your pet fast and efficiently will result in your pet’s comfort and the safety of your furniture.

It is also a handy pet product for your cat or any other animal, who could come into contact with greasy substances. Microfibers work best with dirt, dust and grease, helping your pet stay clean.

Cat scratching post

Abrading sofas, carpets and drapes are a part of a cat’s growth -  although it shouldn't be at the expense of your furniture and treasured items around the house. Cats by nature tend to mark their territory, hence scraping is a natural activity for them. That is why a cat scratching post is of utmost importance. This is not all, your feline needs to be able to sharpen its claws and shed its dead skin off to keep its claws in shape. What’s more, cats are energy stockpots. Which means they need an outlet every now and then. For this reason, and for reasons of flexibility and health, a cat scratching post is a must-have pet product in 2019.

Be mindful of the material, height and sturdiness as well as the shape of the scratching post you want to purchase. It needs to be tall enough for your kitty to stretch on, sturdy enough that it doesn't wobble and spacious enough for them to scratch horizontally and vertically.

Weatherproof kennel

A weatherproof kennel is always a good idea for your pet that stays outdoors most of the time. Given that the average dog stays on its feet only for a couple of hours the whole day, it deserves a spot where it could go to to lie down and relax in. The recent unpredictable nature of the climate makes a weatherproof kennel one of the most important pet products to own in 2019.

Kennels with corrugated roofs designed especially for water to run off easily and keep the kennel dry will result in your pet being comfortable. As such, kennels eliminate germs and bacteria from nurturing inside. Hence, owners needn't worry about rashes that emerge with the wet season too!

Order eliminator  

Order eliminators are vital for any home with any kind of pet. Be it for a kennel or for a rabbit hutch, disinfecting and cleaning them regularly is a must. Therefore, consulting a vet or an expert of pet products and using order eliminators in your cleaning routine will keep your pets relaxed and free of infections.

Moreover, order eliminators help to get rid of foul smells that emanate from your pet’s coat, urine or faeces. If your pet has a thick coat, a deodorizer will help get rid of the stink. As such, order eliminators play an important role in keeping your pet happy and healthy!

Key takeaways on essential pet products for 2019

Our pets deserve the same kind of relaxation and pampering we treat ourselves to. With many pet products being readily available across a myriad of platforms, it’s good to be mindful of what works best for your little companion. Shop with us at Home and Living to get your hands on some of the greatest pet products and also be able to purchase your items now and pay later with Afterpay, zipPay, zipMoney and Oxipay.
Additional Information
Our pets deserve the same kind of relaxation and pampering we treat ourselves to. With many pet products being readily available across a myriad of platforms, it’s good to be mindful of what works best for your little companion. Shop with us at Home and Living to get your hands on some of the greatest pet products.

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